Trunks vs Mecha Freeza
トランクス VS メカフリーザまずはこのシーン、いきなり出てきて、スーパーサイヤ人になって、切り刻んで、
English translation
First of all, this scene suddenly appeared, became a super saiyan, chopped up,
It's a very shocking development, and when I say my favorite scene, it's the first scene that comes to mind.
I just finished carving the lines on the right, but the lines in the background were really hard.
This time, I didn't delve into the characters and forced crushing parts,
but colored them, because it was easier to express the rubbing like Mecha Freeza's shoulder.
In this kind of person illustration, it is important not to miss the face.
It will end after changing, so I will finish from the face while I have concentration.
Inking and finishing.
English translation
Carving is finished by adding strength and weakness in places, and then it is inked.
Add a hairline with sandpaper and color it,
The black part gives a shade and paints over,
Finally, add an expression to the paint with a coarse grain, and polish it with water with No. 3000 to complete it.
Goku & Piccolo VS Raditz
悟空&ピッコロ VS ラディッツこちらも初期の名シーン、魔貫光殺砲で2人が貫かれるシーンは痺れましたね、
English translation
This is also a famous early scene, the scene where two people are pierced by the Makankousappou was numb.
This is a Harley-Davidson derby cover (Sports Star) engraved.
Inked several times and finished with a router.
English translation
It's for Harley's 883, but it's quite mountainous, so it's hard to transfer drafts.
In the comic, it's more slanted, but I set it right next to it and let it penetrate only the Makankousappou.
The black part is dug down one step and the matte black is firmly added, so it is a nice accent.
Add a hairline to the whole, and polish only the part of the Makankousappou with a router to complete it.